Sunday, May 15, 2011


My childhood was pretty quiet, nothing unusual really. I tell you, I didn’t live with my father's family because they all lived in Venezuela. By the side of my mother's family, we were four children between us we had less than two years apart. I was the youngest, and the only girl, so I always received much attention and care.
As a child I wanted to be many things, my first dream was to become a singer. My dad made a wood and foam microphone, and I liked to sing for hours, while my father played songs on guitar.
I don’t remember a single favorite toy. With my brother we transformed any toy into a fantasy to imagine for hours. However, one of my favorite toys was the jumping ball.
In relation to children, I think children today are very different from children 50 or 100 years ago. The social and historical contexts have changed at vertiginous speed. The strong emergence of technology in daily life has changed many aspects of daily life, and has had an interesting effect on the relationship between children and adults and children with the world. And not everything is learned from adults, children now, as natives of the digital age, can teach those parents many new things. Knowledge is not unidirectional.
I think the most important thing we can teach children is respect for others, themselves and their environment. The care of the environment and good relations with others are a valuable legacy for the children of today.
I would love to start my own family someday. My dream is to have twins of opposite sex. Also I would love to adopt a child. For me, three children is the ideal amount.


  1. Nice picture. You wants adopt a child, interesting option. I want two children, I think three is so much.

  2. Hello Raquel,

    I think that your comment about the respect for the environment is very important for education today.
